Wednesday, December 11, 2019

What's in the Bickie Tin - Christmas HAIR Doodads

The December challenge is up on 'What's in the Bickie Tin?'

You can find the challenge here

This month's requirements are;

The colour GREEN

Here is my page called 

'Christmas HAIR Doodads'

I used the colour GREEN - subtle background watercolours, Green bow (baubles), green stitching and behind the photos

I used BLING - scattered red bling around the page

I used RIBBON - on the right and left sides of my page (I used RED Florist ribbon as its a bit stiffer and stays in place easier)

I decorated the page with bow bauble embellishments as the theme of the page was hair doodads and bows are definately Hair Doodads!! lol

Thanks for a great challenge Bickie Tin Team.

Looking forward to next month now!

Shazza xx